Super Tombola Italian Board Game


24 plastic folders and sliding scoreboards.
1 Scoreboard with all 90 numbers on it
90 wooden round pieces where numbers are written on from 1 to 90
1 Bag to place your wooden numbers.

Get your families ready to play Tombola at Christmas!

Stock is very limited!!!

2 in stock

Super Tombola Italian Board Game
Italian Board Game

Super Tombola Italian Board Game is a Traditional italian board game. The board game is dated back in 1734 which was played by the king of Naples, Carlo III of Borbone, and the Dominican friar Gregorio Maria Rocco. This old tradition is still living to day above all in particular situations like to play Lotto or Tombola during Christmas time when someone repeats the called numbers associated to their funny meaning. Tombola is very similar to bingo. Perfect game to play during Christmas.

Tombola Italian Board Game product details:

24 plastic folders and sliding scoreboards.
1 Scoreboard with all 90 numbers on it
90 wooden round pieces where numbers are written on from 1 to 90
1 Bag to place your wooden numbers.

Get your families ready to play Tombola at Christmas!

Stock is very limited!!!